While awaiting the pleasure of again being able to present this show on stage before a live audience, thanks to Festik online ticketing service, who is hosting us on their website, we are pleased at least to be able to offer you this cinema version of Carried in the Wind.
Here is the link, valid for viewing until April 11, 2021, to be shared without moderation.
Your feedback will be welcome.
Watch the movie
Just in case, since the website is in French, here’s what you’ll see when you click on the above link:
Online cinematographic version of the black theater puppet performance Carried in the Wind; For children from 18 months to 5 years old.
This show can be viewed for free at: www.festik.live
Taking a ticket allows you to support our associations…
After clicking for more information:
Carried in the Wind is a panorama, an evocation of the natural life cycles we have put on stage. It is not strictly speaking about telling a story to the children, but to convey the forest, with the help of these sketches…
A joint creation of the compagnies Counterpoint and Full Circle. From textures made of paper and bright colors, they have created figures bordering on fantasy. The black theatre technique brings a mysterious note to the movements of the figures that appear, disappear and return. The scenario is not based on a literary or linear dramaturgy but on a series of essentially visual, audio and musical, and of course, wordless, anecdotes. For these times when awareness of the importance of nature appears more than necessary. An awakening, a click, a desire to know more…
See here for the teaser and more information (in French).