A kamishibaï and string puppet show for adult audiences Continue reading
Shed light on light and not light on darkness.
C.S. Grewal
With their images and performances, Company Full Circle seeks to invite audience members on an intimate stroll where they can project or create their own stories. Without sentimentality and in all lucidity, they also wish to nourish, propagate and share feelings of hope through their work. In the last few years, thanks to collaboration with Company Contrepoint, they have embarked on an enriching new adventure creating shows and also workshops for children.
Saturday, 10 June 2023 at 11 :00 a.m. and 4:45 p.m.
Festivities hall, town square, Sainte-Croix-Volvestre
Ti’Stival, a week-end long festival for young audiences.
Contact :
January 18, 21 and 22.
Contact : 07 67 84 39 52 / contact@lespetitszartistes.fr
Contact : 09 87 37 84 73 / theatre.des.preambules@gmail.com
Painter, sculptor and puppeteer. With her company – Company Full Circle – she explores the universe of images and sculpture in her own way, adding dimensions of movement and time.
She is a university graduate, with a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from the University of California and a DEA (post-graduate degree) in drama studies from the University of the Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Also passionate about string puppetry, she had the opportunity to study under Albrecht Roser for a time. She herself now gives workshops and offers coaching on string puppetry for associations (such as the Kiyi Village of Abidjan, directed by Werewere Liking), at schools (including ESNAM in 2017-18) and with individual artists.